Hire New
Drivers Fast

A Goldmine of Driver Leads
for Your Trucking Business

Meet AllTrucking

Trucking companies have trusted AllTrucking to find and qualify drivers to drive their profits:

A Turnkey and Unique Solution to Generate New Hires

We Extract New Hires from Your Existing Driver Database

We have a turnkey solution to extract new hires from your existing driver database using outbound calling and SMS, and we do it at a low cost per hire.

How it works:

We use your database of drivers who have given you permission to contact them

Then, we apply our expertise in recruiting to reach out to prospective drivers by phone and SMS

Our nurturing campaigns tee up drivers who can become your new hires now

Let us do the work of extracting new leads from the old
and sending them directly to your recruiting team.
On large databases of driver leads, you might yield
50+ new drivers at a very attractive cost per hire.